All Their Chips Are On the Table
Winter – Wk 1: Merry Christmas! | Swedes Get the Palm Chips | Elon Preps the Brain Chips | Brain Eaters and Techno-Masochism
Merry Christmas!
It's been a bleak year for anyone paying attention to the ascendant regime. It’s far worse for those living under its thumb. Even so, despite the darkness surrounding, it doesn't have to be a dark holiday.
There is always light. I hope you enjoy it, in good health, with family and friends. As traditionalists say during Advent, anticipating the celebration of Jesus's birth, “The weary world rejoices.”
I really appreciate all the readers who’ve found value in my work. I'm especially grateful for your emails, your insightful comments, and your encouragement. You know, it’s a guilty pleasure, but I’m even happy to get the “likes.” Tech programmers designed that feature to trigger a dopamine rush, and I’d be lying to claim I’m immune.
More than usual this season, Christmas past has been on my mind. My mother and grandmother always did everything possible to make the season special for the kids. My grandparents’ house was always warm, and our gatherings never went on long enough. The toys and gadgets meant nothing. The people meant everything and always will. Peace to those who were lost to us.
There are various storms gathering force on the horizon. The next year will be another difficult struggle, I believe. We’ll be confronted with choices in the near future, individually and as a society, that will resonate for generations. I hold faith that most people -- or enough people -- will choose wisely.
For now, though, let me leave it at Merry Christmas! And a Happy New Year.
Keep hope burning in your hearths and homes. Cling to the light in the darkness.
“Swedes Are Implanting Microchip Vaccine Passports. It Won’t Stop There” — in The Federalist
If military strategists, corporate elites, and government officials are taking the prospect of implanting humans with biotech seriously, so should we.
“Right now it is very convenient to have a COVID passport always accessible on your implant,” its chief disruption officer, Hannes Sjöblad, told the interviewer. Oddly enough, he repeatedly spoke of chipping “arms” when we clearly see a woman opening doors with her hand.
Two years earlier, Sjöblad told ITV, “I want us humans to open up and improve our sensory universe, our cognitive functions. … I want to merge humans with technology and I think it will be awesome.”
Naturally, some Christians see the Mark of the Beast. In a sane world, the idea of having your hand chipped to access public goods or private property—to receive a mark in order to “buy, sell, or trade”—should alarm anyone, regardless of religious persuasion. The same goes for using an implanted brain-computer interface to access the digital realm, as Elon Musk plans to do with Neuralink.
Since the first human-grade RFID implant was patented in 1997, followed by FDA approval in 2004, subdermal microchips have become just another device in a growing cyborg toolkit. Drawing on that cache, the Internet of Bodies paradigm has gained enormous traction among the medical establishment. At the extreme end, the concept of natural-born humanity is to be abolished.
Read the whole thing THERE
Skeptical? Check out this Swedish “Microchipping Party” in 2019, featuring our transhuman pal, Hannes Sjöblad.
“Chipped Hands, Chipped Heads – The Dark Future of Bio-Implants” — in Salvo
Brain chips are no longer science fiction. The Cyborg Age has arrived.
Elon Musk doesn’t just want to heal the sick by jabbing chips in their skulls. His biggest bet is on enhancing the human race.
“To some degree we are already a cyborg...your phone, your computer, the applications you have,” he told Dubai’s royalty at the World Government Summit in 2017. “Over time I think we will probably see a closer merger of biological intelligence and digital intelligence. … It’s mostly about the bandwidth, the speed of connection between your brain and the digital extension of yourself. Particularly output.”
Presently, that digital connection is limited to our fat thumbs tapping the wrong letters on touchscreens. But not for long. In the coming years, some number of people will be dogged by an autocorrect inside their heads.
In 2014, after an implant trial to treat depression failed regulatory requirements, one of the successful cases wrote an op-ed for WBUR in Boston:
The surgery took place on 6/6/06 – an awful date, but no matter. The week before, I had cut my wrist. ... Today, I view my depression not from a place of fear, more from a place of conquest. I conquered it, I beat, and I am better for it. If I am being honest, some days I miss it.
Using electromagnetic stimulation to alter the fabric of one’s being is indeed “conquest,” but not necessarily on the part of the patient. It represents the triumph of technology over human nature.
Read the whole thing THERE

Brain Eaters and Techno-Masochism: My reanimated corpus
Seven seasons of writing on nature, society, and creeping technocracy
All I wanted to do was write about trees and mountains, and the sacred communities one finds in nature’s seclusion. My plan at the outset of 2020 was to travel the world again as a tour rigger, visiting cathedrals and temples along the way. Then I would sink back into the study of religion and science, where I belonged.
Everything changed, though, for every person on the planet. Our technocratic elites, emboldened by the public’s panic, drove a spear into all our hearts.
By March of 2020, it was clear that nothing would be the same. Many had been warning me, but I didn't want to hear it. I had plans. My intention was to focus on the natural and the ancient. But day by day, at an accelerating pace, the future came for me. It came for us all.
So I started writing again. I steeled my mind against this “inevitable” technocracy. And I haven't stopped since.
In early April of 2020, as the shadow of totalitarianism darkened the sky, a close friend insisted I watch a PBS interview in full. The guest was Steve Bannon. It was around two hours long. I knew Bannon was brilliant, but after that interview, I thought, “This guy gets it. I've gotta track him down.”
But how do you get a hold of Steve Bannon? It’s not like he’s in the White Pages. So I put it out of my mind, said my goodbyes to the woman I loved, and started traveling west.
A year later, almost to the day I’d seen the interview, Steve got a hold of me out of the blue. He invited me onto the War Room to discuss transhumanism. After my first appearance, he hired me to cover technology. It was a call to perform my American dharma.
This was a strange coincidence, followed by many others. Life is full of them when the resonance is just right.
The essays and articles below trace that journey from naive hope to hostility. If even one person finds this writing of value, then the work was not in vain.
We’re at the threshold of a civilizational transition. May the heavens guide our steps going forward. Each one will be crucial.
Browse the collection HERE
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There are so many questions I'm dying to ask my hero Joe,but I'll just ask one.
What's Steve Bannon really like?
There are no coincidences!