Humanity 2.0 Is Coming — You Ignore Steve Bannon's Warning At Your Own Peril
The Biden Administration is throwing billions into transhumanist technology. As usual, the media is absolutely clueless
Last weekend, Steve Bannon and I warned the audience at Turning Point USA about the imminent transhumanist revolution. From Silicon Valley up to the White House, tech elites and political hacks are throwing piles of money at the quest to upgrade humanity—or some privileged portion.
They plan to transform themselves into a cohort of gene-edited, neuro-enhanced, AI-symbiotic cyborgs. Anyone paying attention knows this is true. So of course, the midwits at Mediaite, the UK’s DailyMail, and the always clueless Media Matters appear to have no idea what we’re talking about.
“This is the biggest inflection point in human history,” Bannon told the TPUSA “Defeating the Great Reset” conference in Phoenix, Arizona. Referring to the mile-high stack of literature we’ve covered on the War Room: Pandemic for the past year and a half, he went on to explain succinctly:
In the lived experience of half of this room, or maybe more, we're going to get to a point where you're going to have Human 2.0. Right? They're telling you that. They're funding that. This is not science fiction, this is fact. …
They want to be immortal. Right? And they also say there's too many people, the carrying capacity of this planet—there's too many people, right? … You know, they're all over Tucker and the Great Replacement theory and about the thing. Hey, the Great Replacement theory is Homo sapiens. That's what they're trying to replace.
They’re going to have their deal, and devil catch the hindmost. And people say, “Well hold it I haven't heard about that.” Of course you haven't heard about it. They don't want to talk about it. They're just going to do it. And they're going to call it the Cancer Moonshot. This is what we have to stop.
Anyone who ignores this call to action does so at their own peril.
Dogmas of a Techno-Religion
On Monday last week, Joe Biden was hauled out of his cryogenic chamber and thawed out just long enough to sign a chilling executive order. The National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative authorizes $2 billion for “high-risk, high-reward” projects. This includes everything from CRISPR gene-editing products and potentially dangerous mRNA “vaccines” to the production of “cultured animal cells” for human consumption. We’re talking about steaks and pork chops grown in biolabs by mad scientists who’ve abandoned all sense of the natural order.
In the third paragraph of Section 1, the executive order confesses faith in one of the central dogmas of transhumanism—the idea that DNA, the language of life, can be written and re-written as if scientists were merely working out the bugs in a piece of software:
We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers.
This cyborg philosophy suffuses our so-called intelligentsia under many different names. A 2019 white paper produced by Policy Horizons Canada describes it as “biodigital convergence”:
We continue to see the powerful effects of digitization, and more are surely to come. But we may be on the cusp of another disruption of similar magnitude. Digital technologies and biological systems are beginning to combine and merge in ways that could be profoundly disruptive to our assumptions about society, the economy, and our bodies. We call this the biodigital convergence.
This worldview includes the “conceptual convergence of biological and digital systems” and the “full physical integration of biological and digital entities,” i.e., cyborgs.
This fantasy became a dark reality with the COVID-19 pandemic response. At the stroke of a pen, “vaccine” mandates have turned one billion human beings into panicked lab rats enclosed in a digital cage. The pharma corporation Moderna has been particularly aggressive in pushing society toward biodigital convergence through “software updates” for our immune systems.
“We call mRNA the software of life,” Moderna’s CEO told MIT Sloan. “You can copy and paste the information into a lot of drugs by using the same technology.”
As Moderna’s chief medical officer, Tal Zaks, explained to his TEDx audience, “We’ve been living this phenomenal digital and scientific revolution. And I’m here today to tell you that we’re actually hacking the software of life.” In this view, the human body is an “operating system”:
If you think about what it is we’re trying to do, we’ve taken information...and how that information is transmitted in a cell. And we’ve taken our understanding of medicine and how to make drugs. And we’re fusing the two.
We think of it as “information therapy.”
That means new inoculations, new cancer treatments, new gene therapies, all developed using AI and manufactured by robots.

Sara-Jane Dunn, a leading figure at Microsoft’s skunkworks operation Station B, is a similar example of corporate transhumanism. Sounding like a sci-fi acid casualty, Dunn has said that “Everywhere I look, I see cells operating as little computers” to be programmed like “living software.”
The World Economic Forum chairman and part-time comic book supervillain, Klaus Schwab, calls this techno-zealotry the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” defined as the “fusion of our physical, biological, and digital identities.”
To the horror of religious people, Schwab’s impish, if oftentimes insightful wing-man, Yuval Noah Harari, famously dubbed the mutant elite arising from the Fourth Industrial Revolution as “Homo Deus,” or human gods.
You can call this technophilia what you want to, but Steve and I prefer the classic term—“transhumanism.” This designation was popularized by the aspiring cyborg and probable ‘roid-rager, Max More, who articulated this movement’s intention to morph human DNA in his “Letter to Mother Nature”:
We will no longer be slaves to our genes. We will take charge over our genetic programming and achieve mastery over our biological and neurological processes. We will fix all individual and species defects left over from evolution by natural selection. Not content with that, we will seek complete choice of our bodily form and function, refining and augmenting our physical and intellectual abilities beyond those of any human in history.
This fringe intellectual movement has gone mainstream. Rapid advances in artificial intelligence, exemplified by Google’s DeepMind project AlphaFold, are now making it possible to achieve the goal clearly stated by the White House to “write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers.”
Renee Wegryzn: Military-Industrial Transhumanist
One day after signing his transhuman executive order, the obviously unenhanced Joe Biden announced that Renee Wegryzn will be the inaugural director of the new agency ARPA-H—the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health. The agency is slated to receive $1 billion at present, although Biden is pushing for a stunning $6.5 billion.
Renee Wegryzn is a brilliant, but apparently unhinged geneticist whose resume includes serving as program manager for DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (2016-2020) and the Boston-based mutation corporation Gingko BioWorks (2020-2022). The latter organization’s founder promises investors that “The interesting thing to program in the 21st century isn’t going to be computers—it’s biology.”
The creation of ARPA-H, and the appointment of a corporate quasi-transhumanist to lead the organization, represent the official marriage of the military-industrial complex and the biomedical establishment.
In 2017, Wegryzn delivered a presentation to the tech-obsessed Long Now Foundation about her work at DARPA, encapsulating the agency’s endeavor to create a militarized Humanity 2.0.
“At DARPA,” she explained, “our flagship programs include revolutionizing prosthetics. We’re now closing the loop where man and machine can be integrated together.”

Typical of our polarized age, when Steve Bannon states facts, he’s a “conspiracy theorist,” but when a gene-tweaking mad scientist describes the creation of cybernetic organisms, she’s positioned to become a national hero.
Quoting her favorite futurist, Renee Wegryzn assured the Long Now audience that “Humanity will change more in the next 20 years than in all of recent human history.” She gleefully calls this a trajectory toward “Human 2.0” and “human-machine convergence.”
“These are things that are somewhere on the horizon, that genome engineering and gene-editing will be a part of,” Wegryzn explained. “So how do we make sure that we can pursue this future in a safe manner?”
Portraying mass vaccination as a precursor to Humanity 2.0, she told the crowd:
So, there’s “defensive” enhancement. We do this already. Think about vaccination.
So, when you’re vaccinated, you actually are introduced to a change that is life-long lasting that protects against disease—this is an enhancement that most individuals are accepting of and find it honorable and a “must.” We require, if our children go to school, that they must be vaccinated.
There’s other enhancements that would be maybe “offensive.” Enhancements [in] performance, enhancement in cognitive state. Do we go there? What does that look like? What’s the decision-making process to get us there?
She goes on to ask:
What type of future does this look like where there will be edited individuals, un-edited individuals—who has access to those technologies? …
In the future, will there be a question where we ask, “What genes are you on? What are you enhanced with?”...
It’s evolution, really, on steroids—now in our control.
Joe Biden’s National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative and the appointment of Wegryzn to ARPA-H represent the official sanction of deeply rooted transhuman aspirations, both in the military and the biomedical establishments.
The media can label us “conspiracy theorists” for calling it out. They can openly declare they endorse this transhumanist turn. But the one thing they cannot do is deny that it’s happening.
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Supposing transhumanism is the same kind of failure as the covid jab, and the vaunted general intelligence capacity of AI (just 5 years away for the last 60 years) ... the trend is still exactly as dangerous as Joe Allen and Steve Bannon are warning. AI and transhumanism are a smokescreen for control of people by selective medical intervention (think of the jab and the ventilators) ... The virus didn't have to be deadly in order to effect privation and widespread killing. So even if the claim of gene control may be false (like AI and the jab) it can still be quite deadly. Moral: we don't have to accept their "scientific" claims to recognize the danger they pose.
This really seems like an extinction level event for humans and an economic boon for the elite who hope to replace us with humans 2.0. No one should expect to survive the continuous jab agenda for too long because our bodies are not made for it. The problem is they want to eliminate us and create another race who can take the biological interference and the programming that comes with it. We shouldn't allow a robot world run by criminals to happen. We need to figure out a way to stop it.