Great post again! The article says Musk: "most people don’t change their mind. They just die. So if they don’t die, we will be stuck with old ideas and society wouldn’t advance." I would think it obvious that in this coming AI world or singularity where us legacy humans are no longer needed that the AI's would, fairly quickly, no longer be able to change their minds or come up with new ideas since their ground of being is the human programing that created them. Apart from programs to maintain themselves, they would lack purpose, just stagnate and their "society" would have no reason to advance. In other words they would die. In their case just sit idle on standby until the power runs out or enough cosmic rays degrade their programs and chips that they can't repair themselves. But, I could be wrong. I am just a carbon based life form. I don't "think" like a silicon based mech form. I still think AI really stands for Algorithmic Mimicry.

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Looking to see where/how fast the AI tech is going, I found this post last weekend: Nvidia H100 GPU Explained https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5upVfAQnOIg&t=645s and another by the same person: The World’s First WoW Processor explained


I am going to follow her channel because she explains things well.

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Apr 5, 2022·edited Apr 5, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Given Elon Musk’s background with a grandfather who loved technocracy I too am skeptical that he has come to save us. (Sarcasm intend.)

Joe have you seen the organizations springing up like the Lifeboat Foundation, which includes many big name scientists and globalists, that purports to exist to ‘save humanity’ but has a division to ensure we treat AI fairly. AI must be given human rights to keep ‘it’ on our side.


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Oh yes. They put out the definitive Singularity timeline, I believe.

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Apr 5, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Joe, this is truly scary and sad and makes me want to cry. I pray that God puts a stop to it, SOON. Thank you for warning us and for not letting us get too complacent.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Joe Allen

Although I know there are millions of people who find the idea of immortality here on earth as desirable, albeit in the form of a "Borg-like" society, I am personally grateful that our God has provided us with the means to leave it behind. Even for those among the ancients revealed in the Bible who are recorded to have had longevity like Adam (930 years), Seth (912), Enos (905), Kainan (910), Methuselah (969), Noah (950), Melchizedek (465), Abraham (175), immortality was not the outcome of their lives. Perhaps I am still naive about the transhumanist world being predicted, but I am certain that it is not a world that I want to be part of. I accept death as an inevitable part of life, and respect an idea purported by Dr. Stanley Keleman in his book "Living Your Dying", that we "begin our dying process the moment we are born."

For the sake of clarity, Joe, I will continue to look forward to hearing more from you before my time expires. Keep these excellent compositions coming!!

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I wouldn't mind that they play their little games and make their little toys if the end result wasn't our entry into the fossil record. Take your toys, get chipped up if that takes your fancy and then fuck off to Mars you lunatics. Leave us be or it'll be the low tech pitchfork that sorts this out.

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Society's hero-worship of Elon Musk is akin to a survey asking "Which evil master do you like the best?" (smiley face to sad face). To announce one day that you're thinking about setting up a rival to Twitter - stocks plummet - and then to buy into the same company the next day and watch stock prices shoot up, is nothing more than old-fashioned investor shysterism. It's clear he sees 'freedom' as a commodity, not a moral imperative. I think that's the real division and difference between us and them.

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The technocrats and wet-dreamers like Kurzweil and Bostrom invented transhumanism because they are materialists without self-awareness. They are afraid of death because they believe that "when you die you're dead." Their ludicrous theories about AI turning into some superintelligence are fantasies. The world is filled with gullible and confused people, but it will be saved by those who understand their connection to God.

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Apr 6, 2022·edited Apr 6, 2022

This comment is not about the article per se, but the graphs you showed early on... I understand you're trying to make a point how change often tends to progress slowly at first and then speed up more & more rapidly. But, as a Geoscientist, your "Climate Change" graph, IF you're trying to tie it into the current "man-caused" climate change "crisis" is extremely misleading. (Using caps for emphasis only, not yelling) ANY CLIMATE CHANGE THAT'S OCCURRING IS NOT "MAN-CAUSED" - THE SUN IS THE BIGGEST DETERMINANT OF EARTH'S TEMPERATURE. PERIOD. Carbon dioxide, CO2, is an extremely small portion of the atmosphere - on the order of only several percent - while water vapor vastly overwhelms it at over 90%. Although CO2 does hold more heat on a molecule-by-molecule basis than water vapor, it's such a tiny amount of the atmosphere, any warming from CO2 entrapment is miniscule compared to water vapor's. In addition, THE WATER VAPOR CONTENT OF THE ATMOSPHERE IS ENTIRELY NATURAL. And, THE "LEADING CLIMATE CHANGE AUTHORITY", the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) NEITHER TAKES INTO ACCOUNT NOR EVEN ESTIMATES NATURAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF CO2 OR HEAT INTO THE ATMOSPHERE... Thus, solar output, water vapor content, and natural sources of water vapor and CO2 are IGNORED... Natural sources of CO2 and water vapor include volcanoes, wildfires, decomposition of organic matter, and others. As these sources are deliberately not taken into account, ALL ESTIMATED & CALCULATED CO2 EMISSIONS FROM MAN'S ACTIVITIES BY THE IPCC ARE DELIBERATELY VASTLY OVERREPRESENTED AS BEING THE CAUSE OF CLIMATE CHANGE.

Just to really "hit this home" as it were - the UN AUTHORITY THAT SET UP THE IPCC AS "THE CLIMATE CHANGE AUTHORITY", the UNFCCC, DEFINES CLIMATE CHANGE AS LITERALLY MAN-CAUSED. THE IPCC THEN DECLARED THAT CO2 IS BOTH A "POLLUTANT" AND "DANGEROUS". CO2 is literally plant food - without at least around 180 ppm in the atmosphere, plants die... then we die. The CO2 content is around 400 ppm, so we can actually use MORE, not less. And, we are actually cooling, not warming - NASA satellite data proves this. We're in a solar minimum cycle, meaning a cycle of lower solar output - and it's been predicted that the next several solar cycles will also be on the low end, thus staying cooler for likely a couple of decades into the future. I can provide links to the documents if so desired.

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Another crazy one... The only thing missing is to see you claim that the SUN is the center of the Earth System!

They (the Secular Ruling Families & Billionaires) are VERY COMMITTED to cull as many of US (modern moron slaves) and meanwhile extracte as much taxes from US, that's why they changed from "global warming" to "climate change" and are using CO2 as a weapon.

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LOL!!! Yes, they truly are COMMITTED to their plans... But, as well as they've planned things out, there are MANY things that can - and, I pray, will - go wrong for them, and right for us.

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While we "pray" They ACT... And action is what allow for changes to occur.

"pray", "hope" and all that falls into the meaning of these two words are just a label to divert from the real one: inaction.

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I don't believe any of this transhumanist swindle is going to work out as they think.

Whatever cool stuff may be in the pipe bringing together bio-engineering, cog-sci, and AI witchery, their fanboy fanaticism entirely ignores that we have only vague and fuzzy concepts about what minds, persons, selves, and agents *are*, much less any deep insights into operating principles.

It isn't at all evident that a human mind is even capable of being duplicated in a machine. The belief that you'll be "uploaded" into a virtual computer world is on equal footing with theology. At least theology has a track record of creating meaning. Transhumanism is some weird neo-Gnostic cult.

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It'll work in cities 100%! OPERATION COVIDIUS is now proof of work.

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Well put! It is part of their shaking their fist at heaven attitude. Smug bastards.

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Twitter has been dead to honest, decent thinking people for years now. It is a vast wasteland of wokeness and degeneracy. Let it go. Musk is wasting his money.

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This is clearly an anti-God, Creator, movement.

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There is one thing that the herds of degenerate uman animals love more that their life... All tools that turn their "life" into an easy ride. And we don't care that these tools also cull uman animals, as long as they "don't cull or hurt me".

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"You have to wonder where Musk gets these zany ideas."... DRUGS! That or too much sniffing of rocket fuel.

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Thank you for writing this. I do not get the gushing fan-girl attitude so many have about Elon Musk at all! Even my husband has swallowed it whole, and he is typically NOT that guy.

We semi-argued about Elon again tonight. To my mind Musk is like a naughty third-grader, who loves to poke and prod at people to get a frustrated reaction, and then laughs at them. He is off-beat, and I guess some find that disarming and charming; but when I see all the pies he has had his fingers in, and how just plain weird he is, it sets off alarm bells in my head. Was reading about him and his wife tonight (who is also very odd/weird) and learned they have just recently had a 2nd child via a surrogate. A little girl who they named Exa Dark Sideræl. I look at that and immediately see “Dark Side”. That sends a little frisson up my spine. Is it just me?

Hubby loves that he is keeping the space program going and for some reason thinks he has this altruistic streak and could be a force for good.

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ELON needs to hang out for a few days with his INDIAN OTHA BRUTHA in a TEE-PEE

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He should send an EV to Mars with him inside!

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Great read, Thanks Joe, keep up the good work 👍

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